The power in diversity

A workshop that empowers teams through nurturing personal uniqueness

I teach managers to understand the unique value they bring to any space and how it is expressed in the current team. Through this exploration within the team, we manage to pinpoint what they need to bring and what prevents them from bringing it.

Through the process, the team member learns to communicate their needs and what they take responsibility for.

My Processes

In-depth workshop

A process workshop for the manager and their team, 10 meetings of experiential learning through play, conversation, and processing spread throughout the activity year and positioned according to the organizational schedule. The workshop is intended for teams working in high intensity requiring teamwork.

Team seminar

Three half-days concentrated on the core points of the method: learn what I bring to the team and how it is expressed, where it promotes or inhibits me, what I need from the team, and what I take responsibility for to bring myself to the team in the best way possible.

Individual Growth Journey

This personalized development track is designed to help participants fully integrate and expand upon the insights gained during the workshop. It's a transformative process that empowers you to apply these tools across all aspects of your life, shaping your authentic self and defining your aspirations.

How does the process work?

Building trust

Personal conversations and mapping individual needs of each team member one-on-one.

Building resilience and acquiring tools

Developing feedback reception ability, acquiring tools - My Superpower, Inhibiting/Safe space, Operating instructions, My story.

Recalculating route

Mid-term evaluation in personal conversations with all workshop participants.

My Story

My experience in the team - connecting theory to reality bringing a case study where all the theory connects to reality in teamwork.

Team work map

How we work together what everyone needs and commits to vis-à-vis the team.

Summary and building for continuation

Personal plan to leverage the process for the team's continued work.

Nice to meet you,

I am Matanor

From childhood, I felt different because of my unique ability to experience emotions intensely, including the emotions of others. This feeling caused me social and emotional difficulties throughout my life, from school to military service. Over time, I learned to cope with this ability and see it as an advantage, especially in my educational roles. I discovered that my ability to identify and understand emotions allows me to communicate and help others in a unique way. Eventually, I understood that my emotional sensitivity is my “superpower,” and I accepted my difference as an essential part of my identity. I learned to appreciate the uniqueness of each person and found a way to navigate my life and relationships using this ability.

My Partners

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