Let's Talk!
How nice that you’ve arrived here!
Are you unsure about one of my processes?Send me a message and together we’ll find the process that suits you best 🙂
The workshops are held at your home, in the educational institution, the rationale is that in order to create a process we need to go through it in the natural environment.
The workshop lasts two and a half hours, with the final meeting lasting 4 hours.
To maintain intimacy and closeness it is recommended to conduct the workshop up to 12 team members although it is possible in larger teams with certain adaptations.
For any team that works in a high intensity environment and depends on communication and cooperation with each other.
In the workshop you go through an individual process together and through the team you work with which allows the team members to maximize their impact on the team on one hand and on the other hand to create a promoting space for themselves in their team.
Talk to me on WhatsApp and we’ll proceed from there!
In an in-depth workshop it is recommended between one to three weeks between meetings, usually we attach the workshop to the annual calendar.
I believe in human meeting let’s meet if you feel it’s the right thing we’ll proceed from there. 🙂